Coaches Info.

Below are some links for important information for any level Roseau Ram Boys Basketball Coach! Consistency and continuity in each grade level for teaching the fundamentals every day in practice is crucial.  Below are some program goals, including a lot of great drills!  Please stress the following concepts and drills in your practice.  Thank You for all of you time and dedication to the boys programs!

Coach Hayden

Great Dribbling Information Coach Hayden

Drill Progressions for daily practices.  We do these drills below daily during out varsity practices!

SHELL Defense (We start a lot of our Defensive sequence with SHELL)

MIKAN Progression

Jump Stop/Pivot/Pass Drill

Zig Zag Ball Pressure Drill

Passing:  Star passing 3 variations, 3 on 2, 2 on 1 , 3 weave, 5 weave 3/2 coming back

Forward Pivot Drill  / Reverse Pivot Drill

1 on 1 Closeout Drill  / Close out/Slide/Back Pedal . (We love to teach and use closeouts daily!)

2 on 2 Competitive Rebounding (Coach Nelson favorite!)

3 on 3 Live

4 on 4 on 4   (Player Favorite)

Rodman Rebounding (Coach Hayden favorite!)

Allan Houston on Form Shooting (Excellent)

Program Concepts 

Rams Offensive Concepts (Coach Hayden)

Rams Boys Basketball Concepts for Coaches All Levels (Coach Hayden)

“Good Basketball is nothing more than the ability to properly execute the fundamentals of basketball.  Individual techniques that have been practiced over and over again should become second nature.”  (John Wooden)